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West Virginia FCU
West Virginia FCU
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  • Int - DS - 4 - Sp&Sm
  • Int - Meadow Sp&Sm
  • Int - Rehbein New River Bridge Day - Sm
  • Int - Peters Creek - Sm
  • Int - BRT 20 - Sm
  • Int - Hawks Nest Overlook - Sm
  • Int - Babcock Boley Lake - Sp&Sm



Debit Card/Credit Card Questions
Can I stop a payment I made using my debit card? No, we cannot put a stop...    [Read More]
Go to www.allianceone.coop to see surcharge free ATM’s near you. Our...    [Read More]
How do I activate my debit card? It is now easy to activate and re-pin your...    [Read More]
There are several reasons why someone may need to replace a card. The card...    [Read More]
If your WVFCU Debit Card has been lost, stolen, or you suspect unauthorized...    [Read More]
It’s easy, just call WVFCU and speak with a member services representative...    [Read More]
Returns are made the same way you do with a Credit Card purchase. It is best...    [Read More]
Simply insert your card into the Automated Teller Machine (ATM), enter your...    [Read More]
Report it to WVFCU by calling 304-744-MYCU (6928) or after hours call VISA at...    [Read More]
Call the following numbers as quickly as possible: 888-263-3370 / After...    [Read More]
If your WVFCU Debit Card has been lost, stolen or you suspect unauthorized use,...    [Read More]
 A debit card looks like a credit card but works like an electronic check....    [Read More]
There are two types of debit card transactions:  debit (PIN) and credit...    [Read More]
 Although you use a Debit Card much like you use a Credit Card, the method...    [Read More]
In some cases, transactions may be declined when there are not enough funds...    [Read More]

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